Haminjon & andaliman Enliven The Toba’s Geopark Caldera

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Lumban Julu, 19/12 – The Haminjon (Batak Language : Kemenyan) and Andaliman participate to enliven the Toba National Geopark Caldera as world heritages. These two plants are part of vegetations that grow at Tapanuli, and become the source of communities living plant since a thousand years ago.

The RE foundation founder, RE. Nainggolan (middle) together with TobaPulp Human Relation, Juliandri Hutabarat (right), the environment agent, Marandus Sirait (second from the right) and the Lumban Julu communities do some Haminjon planting at Eden Garden 100, as socialization action of Toba Geopark Caldera

Haminjon and Andaliman are vegetations which habitat are included the nature forest around the Toba Caldera complex. Since a hundred years ago the saps had been taken by Batak’s ancestor, then get sold by local distributor, and became the raw materials from many kinds of cosmetics. Whereas, Andaliman since a long time ago had been used as Batak food seasoning’s raw materials.

Thus it was said by the founder of RE Foundation. RE Nainggolan when took part of planting Haminjon Seeds as well as government socialization at once, along with TobaPulp, communities and education world to know about Toba’s Caldera Geopark Nation, Friday (19/12) at Eden Garden 100, Lumban Julu, Tobasamosir.

According to him, Geopark is an area that have meaning as geology heritage and become place to implement the sustainable economic development through the good and realistic management structure. So inside Geopark system, the living plant become the heritage object and Tapanuli communities knowledge especially people around the world generally.

“We from RE Foundation are doing some socialization for Toba Geopark Caldera, because Geopark is a concept that had been promoted by UNESCO at 2000 years ago. This consep is also had been applied at some of the country around the world. Of course the understanding about Geopark must be as its function and the implementation have connection with the earth”, said RE. Nainggolan.

Mainly according to RE concept and Toba Geopark Caldera program will give a huge chance for creating jobs for communities, and giving an economic opportunity for real through tourism and local culture. Because it is needed to support a good socialization by government, private or even the international circle.

Toba Geopark Caldera activity at Eden Garden 100 are fully supported by PT. TobaPulp Lestari, TBk. According to the director, Juanda Panjaitan there are not any reason for his parties to not support the socialization of Toba Caldera Geopark. Because according to him, the company present at Tapanuli is also part of inseparable from Toba Caldera present as the world heritage.

That’s why the pulp industry like TobaPulp at Parmaksian, Tobasamosir, also apply for the main plant at forest industry with everlasting and sustainable principle. The company also apply the good management for people, country also for company principles.

“Since the beginning we had supported Toba Geopark Caldera journey which idea was brought by RE Foundation, because we think that TobaPulp is not irrespectively from Toba Caldera present. So, there are a big responsibilities for anybody who support the purpose of National Geopark” said Juada Panjaitan.

The socialization to know about Toba Geopark Caldera National will be continued, with hope and big challenge for North Sumatera Communities and Tapanuli generally there are support and strong communication relation as the world heritage.