Selamat datang di Ruang Media kami, di sini Anda akan dapat menemukan berita terbaru dan informasi penting tentang operasional PT Toba Pulp Lestari Tbk.
Specially to find Haminjon regeneration solution, TobaPulp advice the cultivation based on planting technology which involve the community, together with the Aeknauli forestry (‘BPK-Balai Penelitian Kehutanan’), near Perapat city
Farmers in Humbang Hasundutan regency, North Sumatra, are collaborating with PT Toba Pulp Lestari to plant incense trees, locally known as haminjon, in the industrial timber estate (HTI) in Parlilitan district.
State Ministry of Environment and Forest (‘Kemeneg LH & Hut’) do some waste and data collecting, as guidelines for waste management especially for Pulp And Paper Company, which was used to prevent the negative impact and water and air issues.