About Us

Vision & Mission


To become a well-managed eucalyptus pulp factory, and to become a supplier preferred by our customers and a company preferred by our employees.

  1. To produce sustainable growth.
  2. To become a cost effective producer.
  3. To maximize profit for stakeholders and contribute to socio-economic improvement of the local and regional community.
  4. To create value through modern technology, industrial knowledge, and human resources.

The shares of PT. Toba Pulp Lestari Tbk (code INRU) are registered at the Indonesian Stock Exchange.

Company Profile

A. History of Establishment

PT Toba Pulp Lestari Tbk (“Company”) was established in the framework of the Domestic Investment Law No. 6 of 1968 jo. Law No. 12 of 1970 based on deed No. 329 dated April 26, 1983 from Misahardi Wilamarta, SH, a notary in Jakarta. The deed of establishment was approved by the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Indonesia in his decision letter No. C2-5130.HT01-01 TH.83 dated July 26, 1983, and announced in State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia No. 97 dated 4 December 1984, Supplement No.1176.

The Company's Articles of Association have been amended several times, and most recently by Deed Number 06 dated 19 June 2019 from Gunawati, SH, a notary in Deli Serdang Regency. The Articles of Association have been approved by the Minister of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia in its decision letter Number AHU.0032845.AH.01.02.T 2019 dated June 25, 2019.

B. Company Business Activities

In accordance with article 3 of the Company's Articles of Association, the scope of its activities is to carry out business activities of the Pulp and Chemical Industry to support the pulp industry (including but not limited to chlorine dioxide, chlorine, hydrochloric acid, caustic, nitrogen, oxygen, and sulfur dioxide), Concession of Plantation Forest (includes Eucalyptus Forest Exploitation, Eucalyptus Plant Breeding, Other Forest Concession, and Other Forestry Plant Breeding Exploitation), Timber Goods Industry (including but not limited to primary industry of wood forest products in the form of processing logs into wood chips and other wood products which have not been previously covered), Large Trade in Basic Chemical Materials and Goods, Bounded Warehousing Activities or Bonded Zone Areas, both Bonded Zones within one stretch and Bonded Zones outside the overlay, specifically for activities Companies related to these businesses but above, as well as other activities to support the above business activities, including but not limited to all other business activities to support the raw materials and operational activities of the aforementioned business activities as well as marketing of the products of all the Company's business activities.

C. Company Licensing

1. Operating Permit

Main Business Number (NIB)

  • SK Number: 8120011192845
  • KBLI Name / Code: Eucalyptus Forest Exploitation 02118
  • Exploitation of Eucalyptus Plant Breeding 02148

    Pulp Industry 17011

    Basic chemical industry of inorganic chlorine and Alkali 20111

    Other Inorganic Basic Chemical Industry 20114

    Macro-nutrient fertilizer industry made in Primary 20122

    Artificial Staple Fiber Industry 20302

    2. Investment License

    a. Foreign investment

  • SK : Notification of Presidential Decree No. 07 / V / 1990 of May 11, 1990
  • Agency : Chair of the Investment Coordinating Board
  • b. Industrial Business License

  • SK Number : 627/T/INDUSTRI/1995
  • Agency : Chair of the Investment Coordinating Board
  • Industry : Pulp
  • Production : Pulp
  • Capacity : 165,000 tons with tolerances exceeding 30%

  • 3. Forestry Permit

    Forest Utilization Business Licensing

  • SK Number: Minister of Forestry Decree No. 493/Kpts-II/92 dated June 1, 1992 concerning Granting of Industrial Plantation Forest Concessions, and has been amended several times, and the latest by Decree of the Minister of Environment and Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia Number SK.307/Menlhk/Setjen/HPL.0/7/2020 concerning the Seventh Amendment to the Decree of the Minister of Forestry Number 493 / KPTS-II / 1992 dated June 1, 1992 concerning Holders of Industrial Plantation Forest Concession Rights to PT Inti Indorayon Utama, as follows:
  • Industry: Plantation Business
  • Production: Eucalyptus wood
  • Area: 167.912 hectares
  • Border Decree: Minister of Forestry Decree No. SK.821 / Menhut-VII / KP / 2004 April 19, 2004 and Decree of the Minister of Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia No.SK.704 / MENHUT-II / 2013 dated October 21, 2013

  • D. Company Address

  • Company Domiciled : Letjend. Haryono MT Street No. A-1 (Uni Plaza Building, East Tower, 3rd Floor), Gang Buntu Village, Medan Timur Sub-district, Medan City, North Sumatera

  • Mill : Pangombusan Village, Parmaksian Sub-district, Toba District, North Sumatera
  • Forestry Concession : Simalungun District, Asahan District, Toba District, Pakpak Barat District, Tapanuli Utara District, Tapanuli Selatan District, Tapanuli Tengah District, Padang Lawas Utara District, Padang Sidimpuan City, Dairi District, Humbang Hasundutan District, Samosir District

  • Board of Directors

    Sandeep Bhalla

    President Director

    Graduated with a Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering at KNIT in 1988. Started career at Rahul Engineering Works as a Production Engineer in 1992-1993, then as Chief Manager – Mechanical at JK Paper Limited in 1993-2008, and as General Manager-Maintenance at Century Pulp & Paper in 2008-2011. Then in 2011-2017 he moved to JK Paper Limited as Senior General Manager Development, and became Business Head at JK Foods in 2017-2023, In May 2023 he served as Business Unit Head of the Company. Appointed as President Director of the Company on 29 November 2023 through the decision of the Extraordinary GMS.

    Jandres Halomoan Silalahi


    Graduated Diploma of Economy at University of North Sumatra in 1994. Started career in Company as Estate Accountant in 1996-1997, then worked as Fixed Assets & Inventory Control in 1997-1998, then worked as GL Supervisor from 1998-2001. From 2001-2004 worked as Forestry Chief Accountant and as Deputy GM Admin in 2004-2006, as Accounting Manager in 2007-2009 and Cost & Budget Manager in 2009. Then appointed as Deputy Fiber Operation Coordinator in 2009-2010, then as Fiber Account Manager in 2010-2013. Then worked as Fiber Supply Department Head in 2013-2015 and Woodsupply Department Head in 2015, then as Fiber Coordinator in 2015-2017. From 2017-2019 worked as Community Land Development Coordinator, then as Deputy Social Capital Department Head in 2019-2020. Since August 28, 2020, he was appointed as Director of the Company by the resolution of Annual General Meeting of Shareholders.

    Anwar Lawden


    Graduated from the Faculty of the University of North Sumatra in 1998, then secured notary specialization from the University. Started career as a legal staff member at PT. Raja Garuda Mas Indonesia in 2000. In 2002, moved to PT. Supra Matra Abadi. Joined the company in 2008 as the Legal Manager before being appointed the Director of the Company through the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders on May 15, 2009.

    Monang Simatupang


    Graduated Bachelor of Agriculture at Generasi Muda Medan University in 2005. Started career in Company as Foreman Reforestation in 1991-1997, then worked as Supervisor Reforestation in 1997-2003, then worked as Askep Plantation in 2003-2010 and as Plantation Manager in 2010-2016. From 2016-2018 moved to company in Pekanbaru as Estate Manager. Moved back to Company as Estate Manager in 2018-2020, then as Regional Head in 2020-2022. In October 2022 – December 2022 worked as Deputy Fiber Operation Head and then as Fiber Operation Head in December 2022 – February 2023. Since 23 February 2023 by the resolution of Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders, he was appointed as Director of the Company.

    Niroshan Romesh Silva


    Graduated with a Bachelor of Commerce at the University of Sri Jayewardenepura in 2001. Started career at MJF Group as a Finance Executive in 2000-2003, then as Chief Financial Officer at Brandix Group in 2003-2014, then worked as Chief Financial Officer at EPIC Group in 2014-2018, then moved to Crystal Group as Assistant General Finance in 2019-2022, Started his career at the Company as Deputy Financial Controller in March 2023 and subsequently as Financial Controller since September 2023. Appointed as Director of the Company on 29 November 2023 through the decision of the Extraordinary GMS.

    Board of Commissioners

    Ignatius Ari Djoko Purnomo

    President Commissioner

    Completed Bachelor of Philosophy at Driyarkara Philosophy Academy in 1986 and Bachelor of Theology at Melbourne College of Divinity in 2001. Started career at Maverick as an Associate in 2001, and in 2003 moved to Indo Pacific as a Manager. In 2006 moved to PT Sari Husada as a Manager, then in 2009 to Danone Indonesia as a Manager. In 2010 moved to Edelman Indonesia as a Director, and in 2013 moved to a company in Jakarta as a General Manager. On December 2, 2016, appointed the President Commissioner of the Company by virtue of Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders.

    Elisa Ganda Togu Manurung

    Independent Commissioner

    Doctor of Philosophy degree holder from University of Wisconsin - Madison, USA (1995), Master of Science (1989) and Bachelor of Forestry degree (1985) from Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB). Elisa Ganda Togu Manurung started his career as a staff at the Faculty of Forestry in IPB in 1986. He then became a consultant in various organizations and institutions in the field of Forestry. In 1997-1999, he served as Deputy Director of World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) - Indonesia and Chairman of the National Forest Program Team at the Indonesian Forestry Consultative Group - Ministry of Forestry and Plantation Republic of Indonesia in 1999-2000. Since 2000 until now, Elisa Ganda Togu Manurung is active as a consultant in several non-profit institutions and is still actively teaching in IPB. Appointed as an Independent Commissioner of the Company on June 7, 2018 through Annual General Meeting of Shareholders.

    Thomson Siagian

    Independent Commissioner

    Graduate in Bachelor of Law at University Sam Ratulangi in 1981. Start his career in Kejaksaan Agung as Ajudan Jaksa Agung in 1991-1997. Moved to Konsulat Jenderal RI in Hongkong as Kepala Bidang Kejaksaan in 1997-2003. Moved to Kejaksaan Tinggi Sumatera Utara as Asisten Intelijen in 2003-2004. Moved to Kejaksaan Negeri Medan as Kepala Kejaksaan in 2004-2006. Then moved back to Kejaksaan Agung as Pengkaji pada Jaksa Agung Muda Bidang Tindak Pidana Umum (Jampidum) / Ketua Satgas Penanganan Tindak Pidana Terorisme & Perdagangan Manusia Lintas Negara in 2006-2007 and as Kepala Pusat Penerangan Hukum in 2007. Then worked as Kepala Kejaksaan at Kejaksaan Tinggi Lampung in 2008 and Kejaksaan Tinggi Kalimantan Timur in 2009. Then moved back again to Kejaksaan Agung as Direktur Penuntutan Tindak Pidana Khusus pada Jaksa Agung Muda Bidang Tindak Pidana Khusus (Jampidsus) in 2010 and as Sekretaris Jaksa Agung Muda Bidang Perdata dan Tata Usaha Negara (Jamdatun) in 2010-2011. Since July 30, 2021, by the resolution of Annual General Meeting of Shareholders, he was appointed as the Independent Commissioner of the Company.

    Joni Supriyanto

    Independent Commissioner

    Graduated from AKMIL and Sussarcab Inf in 1986, Latsar Para in 1987, Suslapa I Inf in 1991, Suspa Intel in 1993, Sus English in 1994, Diklapa II Inf and Suspa Intelsrat in 1996 , Seskoad in 1999, Suspa Opsgab in 2007, Sus Danbrigif in 2008, Seskoad TNI in 2010, Sus Danrem in 2011, Lemhanas (National Defense Institute) in 2012, and graduated with a Bachelor's degree at the Jenderal Ahmad Yani University in 2013. He started his career in the Indonesian Army Infantry (TNI AD) Yonif Linud 100/ PS, Dam I/BB as Danton in 1986-1990, Head of Intel Section (Kasi Intel) in 1990-1992 and Danki Bant in 1992-1993. Moved to Kodim 0204/DS, Rem 022/PT, Dam 1/BB as Pasi Intel in 1994-1995. Moved to Brigif 1 PIK/JS, Dam Jaya as Kasi Intel in 1996-1997 and as Wadan Denintel Dam Jaya in 1997-1998. Then moved to Kodam I/BB as Dan Denintel in 1999-2001, Dan Yonif 126/KC, Dam 1/BB in 2001-2002, Dandim 0203/LKT, Rem 022/PT, Dam 1/BB in 2002- 2005. Then moved to the Mabes (Army Headquarters) as Puskodal Headquarters in 2006-2007 and Padya Kodiklat in 2008-2009. Moved back to Brigif 1 PIK/JS, Dam Jaya as Dan Brigif 1 PIK/JS in 2009-2010 and moved to Korem 043/Gatam, Dam II/Sriwijaya as Danrem in 2010-2011. Then served as Dan Seskoad Student Corps in 2012-2013, Dan Pusdik Intelstrat Kodiklat TNI in 2013, Dan Sat Induk Bais TNI in 2014 and as Waas Intel Commander of the TNI in 2014-2015. Then served as Kasdam IV / Diponegoro in 2015-2017. Subsequently served as Special Staff of the KSAD in 2017, Waka Bais TNI in 2017-2018, Pangdam Jaya in 2018-2019, Kasum TNI in 2019-2020 and as Head of TNI Bais in 2020-2022. Since July 15, 2022, by the resolution of Annual General Meeting of Shareholders, he was appointed as the Independent Commissioner of the Company.